Log Info

N3FJP has built a program for the SD QSO Party both in and out of state!  Please visit www.n3fjp.com for more info and to download.

N1MM Logger Plus
N1MM Logger+ also has a contest setup file available for the SD QSO Party which is listed as QSOP_SD!  Please visit https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/  for more info.


Please submit logs in Cabrillo format and Include your callsign and claimed score.

Logs are to be sent via email to Bill Nixon at W0EJ@arrl.net.

Logs Are Due by 08:00 hours Central Daylight Time(13:00z) on October 27, 2023.

Any logs submitted past the due date will not be considered for scoring.

While highly discouraged, paper logs may be submitted to the address below but must be received by 08:00 hours Central Daylight Time – 13:00z hours GMT on October 27, 2023.  Please include your callsign and claimed score.

QSL requests may be sent to WØEJ at the following address:


30902 Niles School RD
Springfield, SD 57062

Questions:  Contact Bill Nixon email at W0EJ@arrl.net or if necessary by telephone at 605-369-2100.

State QSO Party Challenge

The annual State QSO Party Challenge recognizes all radio amateurs’ participation in the U.S. State and Canadian Province QSO parties.  Check it out at StateQSOParty.com.